Saturday, June 30, 2007

Carcassonne Achievements

Written by © borandi 2007 for

1) Big City - 5GS

Scored a City with 3+ tiles in Single Player

Make a city that contains three or more city tiles. Very easy to get in your first game. If you're having trouble, watch the tutorials to see how the game works.

2) King of the Road - 5GS

Scored a road with 5+ tiles in Single Player

Make a road that contains five or more road tiles. Again, very easy to get in your first game. This may require so planning by placing a follower on a road and extending the road yourself, and finally finishing the road. But this situation is fairly common against Easy AI.

3) Farm Boy - 10GS

Scored a Farm supplying 4+ Cities in Single Player

Place a follower on farm/grassland that borders four or more cities. From the start of the game, aim to build small cities. When you have enough in one section of grassland/farmland, place a follower on that land. This is also a good way to get lots of points for the Count of Carcassonne achievement.

4) Rack Up The Points - 10GS

Scored 50+ points with Single Player

Achieve a score greater than 50 points in a game in Single Player. Fairly easy to get in your first game.

5) King For A Day - 15GS

Won 1 Ranked Game

Hop on XBL and play a ranked game. 1vs1 gives you more control of the game board, but will lead to a close game (I won my first 130-129).

6) Top Score - 15GS

Scored a total of 2000+ points from all your Carcassonne games combined

At an average of 130 score per Single Player 1 on 1 vs Easy AI, this should take 15-16 games. As far as I can tell, losses and multiplayer games count as well.

7) Top of the Heap - 20GS

Win a Player Match against 3 or more opponents

Join an XBL Player Match with 3 or more people in. You have less control of the board, so make each tile count and use as many followers as seems necessary. See what area is building the cities and dont forget to place a follower in that farmland. If a large city is forming, place a city tile one away with a follower in and try to connect them up. Get two followers in there, and the other team wont recieve the points. Make sure you know what rules are being played in the match before it starts.

8) Count of Carcassonne - 20GS

Scored 150+ points in a Single Player game

One on one against Easy AI. It took me several games to get this, and I ended up with a 72 point city, but there are easier ways (I've got more 150's since then). Aim for small cities and lots of them, with a follower in that farmland. If a city has extra shields, get a piece of that action. Roads are OK, but not worth as much points. Monasteries often get you at least 8 points each, so exploit this by placing a few together, but dont make them unfinishable if possible, so you get the followers back. Near the end of the game, go for the big points - more followers in farmland with cities.

9) Metropolis - 25GS

Score a City with 9+ tiles in a Player Match vs. 2 or more opponents

Can be difficult to get legit, but start a build a city with fairly 'open' (city on three sides) tiles. Once it gets to about 5/6 tiles, try to start closing it off, and make sure other players don't try and get a piece.

10) Mirror Monk - 25GS

Scored 2 adjacent Monasteries in Single Player

May take a few attempts and works best if you get monasteries early in the game. Dont box the monasteries in with city tiles. Best chance is to play 1 on 1 against Easy AI. There are ~6 monastery tiles in the game.

11) Lord of Carcassonne - 25GS

Beat an opponent in a Player Match by 50+ points

Getting this achievement legit can be easier in matches with more people, with your follower in the most profitable farmland.

12) Ultimate Score - 25GS

Score a total of 5000+ points from all your Carcassonne games

As Top Score. @ ~130GS per Single Player 1 on 1 vs. Easy AI, may take 40 games.

Read the Carcassonne wiki at:

There 11 expansions for the real life board game, of which one is included in this electronic video game. This may open up the possibility of the other expansions being included as DLC in the future.

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