Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bomberman Live: 800 Points, Early July

Over at X360F they've some news regarding Bomberman Live, the new Bomberman XBLA title.
Bomber-fans rejoice, for we have discovered the price and (rough) release date for Bomberman Live on Xbox Live Arcade. Speaking to the Official Xbox Magazine podcast, Hudson's Joel Breton revealed that the game will release for 800 MS Points. This isn't exactly surprising, as it's becoming the de facto price for all original XBLA content. Breton also reveals that Hudson plans to release the title in early July. Jokes concerning Independence Day and blowing up your friends ensues. If you'd like to listen to the interview, it occurs at approximately 17:15 during episode 68 of the KOXM podcast.
Also, 1UP have had a chance to look in on the gameplay. Click the 1UP for the full preview, here's a snippet:

Eight players can play via Xbox Live, while four can play locally, or even in a mix (you and a friend versus an online group). Support for the 360's Vision camera comes in by the game taking a snapshot of a player the second they're eliminated, while the winner of a match gets a few moments of video capture to boast. While we didn't have a chance to try the game online, the in-house battle we had proved to be full of the same crazy fun the series has always abided by.

The game's biggest selling point, online aside, has to be its customization options. Before each match, you can set which power-ups will be included via checkboxes, and you can fit almost every stage with seven different mode/rule types. Stages range from plain types to ones dotted with traps, and modes like Paint Bomb provide different goals beyond "kill everybody."


I'm skeptical since Bomberman:Act Zero. Now a simple Bomberman game should only cost 400 Live points, so the fact that it's worth 800 should mean that the different modes are worth that 400. Only time will tell.


With regards achievements, thanks to, here they are. A nice sort of bunch, a lot different to bog standard achievements.

Paint the Town Red!
Win a Zombie match in Local Play against 2+ computer players.

The Name's Bomb, Dangerous Bomb
Take out 3 CPU players at once in a Local game.

Win 15 Local matches against 3+ CPU players.

Totally Bombed!
Win a Local match against 3+ CPU players after
being in a Super Revenge Cart.

Completely Unstoppable!
Remain undefeated for five consecutive 4+ player Xbox Live games.

You Die so Good!
Score 25 Frags in an Xbox Live Zombie Match.

The Bomb!
Win 30 Xbox Live games.

Joy of Painting with Bomberman
Claim 130 or more tiles in a Local Zombie match against 3+ CPU players.

The Good, The Bad and The Bombed
With the full cowboy outfit, Frag another cowboy in an Xbox Live match.

Girl Power!
With a full female outfit win an Xbox Live 4+ player girl only match.

Did I just Win…AGAIN?!
Go on a winning rampage and win 10 consecutive matches in a Ranked Tournament.

Collect 60 Costume Balls.

So basically it's best to get the full cowboy suit and hop on LIVE for a while. Then get that achieve, then go for the rest =D

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