Monday, June 18, 2007

17th June: GS Update

Its more Forza 2 again!
121 -> 186 of 1000
16 of 44 Achievements
80 of 1250
7 of 57 Achievements
250 of 1000
7 of 29 Achievements
Lots more Forza. It's taking ages to do these 300 odd races in career mode! I'm level 39 and a bit, 83% races done with 101 cars. With getting past level 35 I've been able to finish some of the achievements relating to completing series, and I've played a bit with the online mode. So far raced about 4 times, come 1st twice, and have earned just over 50k. A while to go yet before the 1mill, I just wonder if it's easier to boost - I saw two people on a 75 lap race (the Nissan Speedway Oval), so I wonder if increasing laps has a dramatic impact on prize money. I've also invested in some cars and artwork in the auction house, and sold them on at quite a profit. There's a lot of good art out there. So far I've a Link Mini, and two female anime characters splashed on Supercars. There's a common Gears of War theme going around, so I wonder if someone sold it without locking the design, and it's been copied ad infinitum.

Played a little online GoW. Yes, I still suck, hence the low GS. Tried a bit of Annex, and that was fun, apart from the 1-to-7 kill-to-death ratio. What I cant understand is how I can get shot with a shotguna dn die instantly, yet I can hit someones chest or head from 2 yards and they still live. Bleh!

Also went after some gold bricks in Lego Star Wars II. I just hit the special stages, where you have to beat 6 stages one after the other. That's soooo annoying. I can see 100% is going to take around 60 hours on this. I wouldn't mind if it was an RPG, but I'm not really liking it at all.

I'm hoping to pick up DiRT on Monday (tomorrow), but I may try and get that 100% on X-Men III, or start Eragon (which is apparently quite easy).

GS: 33126 -> 33191

Completed XBLA: 7 / 20
Completed Retail: 17 / 67
GS Completion %: 42.21%
GS % (Non-Demo): 46.10%

Country Rank: 601/150717
World Rank: 3396/1159856

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