Sunday, May 13, 2007

XBLA: Bomberman LIVE

Recent posts around the web are announcing a new breed of Bomberman to the 360 - this time in the form of an XBLA game, Bomberman LIVE.

Xboxygen, a French 360 website, has a video here.

I love the quote from Xbox 360 Fanboy:

"Yup, it's old school Bomberman that will be hitting the XBLA this Summer in all its glory with eight player versus to boot. They actually listened to their fans and hopefully will not be creating anymore Bomberman: Act Zero sequels anytime soon."

In my opinion, it looks like some fast paced fun, and the 8 player online should be great too. Fingers crossed the achievements aren't like *play an 8-player game* (most XBLA online games lose participants after a couple weeks), but more like *Win 10 games online*.

I've Bomberman: Act Zero on my shelf, waiting to be played when my *box comes back fixed. I've not heard any positives, so we'll see. But hopefully Bomberman LIVE will be 800 MS points or less, and contains some sort of single player mode.

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