Sunday, September 16, 2007

Beautiful Katamari news

You may (or may not) know that I'm eagerly anticipating several games on the 360 - Halo 3 isn't one of them. One of the games that is on my list, is Beautiful Katamari. You can get the demo from the marketplace (with non-EU accounts) or OXM magazine. I've played the demo about 10 times now, and even though it's short, it's damn fun.

The idea of the main game is to roll over stuff. You are a sticky ball, and you roll over stuff, just for the hell of it. As you do the roll thing, more and more stuff sticks to the stuff on the outside. One you hit a certain width/diameter, you can pick up bigger stuff (like a fence, or a person), and even bigger stuff (houses, roads, cars) and so on and so forth.

Multiplayer is hinting at various modes where you try and 'out-size' or 'out-collect' your opponent - i.e. the one that can collect the most tennis balls or milk cartons, for example. This is all applicable for online, of course! have released the achievements for the game:
and the interesting thing to note, is that the achievements total up to 1250GS. MS guidelines state that retail versions of a game must have 1000GS, with a further 250 potentially available for DLC - either free or paid. So the developers have either a) already made the DLC and are including it with the game; b) already made the DLC and are making it available for download on XBLM for a fee; c) planning ahead.

My favourite achieve is the '1.5m km' achievement - you'd have to be rolling over planets or something!

Well Xbox360Fanboy got hold of a Japanese video to show the game in action:

Looks like a lot of fun in my option!

Release dates are vague... sometime in the next couple of months for US - no-one knows when for EU (as usual...)

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