Monday, June 23, 2008

99999 (point 99999999)

Well, here it is. The big 99999. My first achievement was on January 2nd, 2007 on Hexic HD - 539 days ago. That's 186.6GS/day on average, or 7.03 achievements per day. Along the way, I've completed 49 retail games, 25 arcade games, and PSU 1k GS, NHL 2k7 950 GS. My favourite genre should be the RPG, but my most played genre is the Music one. My favourite and worst games in various genres so far is are:

RPG: Lost Odyssey, Arcadian Warriors
Film: Surf's Up, Eragon
Race: Forza 2/Burnout Paradise, Fatal Inertia
FPS: COD 4, R6: Vegas
Music: GH3, DDR Universe
Sandbox: GTA IV, Assassins Creed
Sports: PES 08, Any Fifa game

My top three favourites are:

Lost Odyssey
Guitar Hero 3

Bottom three:

Sonic (Retail)
Fusion Frenzy 2

According to MGC, I'm 525th in the world. That means at least 524 have the magical 100k!