Tuesday, July 22, 2008

BT Phone Home?

Yes, BT are up their own backsides. Apparently I can have a phone line straight away, but regarding the internet, as I haven't lived in my new place for 2 years, they need me to send various ID to show I live there, including bills showing the address. Hello - I've been living there for a short amount of time AND I'm already paying you for the phone line. Gah.

On the bright side, I now have a University Contract = pay time soon (hopefully) = get back on track with gaming. I bought GH: Aerosmith this week (after seeing Rican get the full 1000 - git) and the new guitar is great. I'm getting through solos now I thought I'd never get through. 4 tracks or so left on GH2 as well.

Still after one person on Civ for the 1k, not touched Lost Odyssey again yet though. I stand at 102k GS or thereabouts.

Hope to be back soon, then I can start checking forums again.

1 comment:

jen/haly said...

That sounds like a right mess! Hope it gets sorted out soon.