Monday, July 28, 2008

Still more misery, but an upside

Yes, still no internet yet. I'm having to use my work breaks to write these news posts (and do anything else online) now. Those idiots at BT are still acting like devolved monkeys. I might just cancel everything with them and move somewhere else. Bastards.

On the plus side, I managed a spectacular achievement last night - completed GH2 on expert! Take that Free Bird!! The GHA guitar is working wonders and I think my skill level has improved a little. Now out of the 4 guitar related games on the market, I only have GH3 left to do on expert - and I'm stuck on Cult of Personality. Well I haven't played it since my new guitar got here, so I'll try and destroy that tune.

Fingers crossed internet arrives soon,


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

BT Phone Home?

Yes, BT are up their own backsides. Apparently I can have a phone line straight away, but regarding the internet, as I haven't lived in my new place for 2 years, they need me to send various ID to show I live there, including bills showing the address. Hello - I've been living there for a short amount of time AND I'm already paying you for the phone line. Gah.

On the bright side, I now have a University Contract = pay time soon (hopefully) = get back on track with gaming. I bought GH: Aerosmith this week (after seeing Rican get the full 1000 - git) and the new guitar is great. I'm getting through solos now I thought I'd never get through. 4 tracks or so left on GH2 as well.

Still after one person on Civ for the 1k, not touched Lost Odyssey again yet though. I stand at 102k GS or thereabouts.

Hope to be back soon, then I can start checking forums again.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More no update nonsense

Well I graduated yesterday, resulting in 3/4 days of no 360 to play on, and I start my D. Phil. (a Ph.D. to non-Oxford graduates) today and I've already got a ton of work. On the upside, I should have the internet this evening, meaning a gaming update and a swing back into the 360 world this weekend.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Still no internetz

No internet yet, but I've a broadband package on the way! Got the BT Broadband Anywhere, as it comes with a mobile (my old Nokia has given up on life), and I get 40 simoleans back from Quidco. Max 8MB/s line (though BT tests show a max 4.5MB/s) with unlimited limits, the usual stuff like that. Should be here middle of next week.

Regardless, I've been gaming somewhat. Lots of Lost Odyssey (might have completed it by next week) and some more EDF 2017. Update in a couple of weeks then =D

Saturday, July 05, 2008

July 08 Games List

From time to time, it's hard to keep track of whats new in the land of the 360. I reckon at least 20 new games are coming out each month now, and to keep track of them, let alone play them all, is a bit hectic.

So I'm running this feature every few months or so. It's similar to my easy games list, but it lists all the western (i.e. non Japanese) retail games available from the 360s release in an easy to use .doc format (Word 97-2003 compatible). Easy enough to print out and keep beside your 360 when browsing for online deals or wondering what to buy next.

Download the 3MB file here.

I take my games list from, and they're usually on the ball.

Review: A-Train HX

Sim City started the revolution. I have fond memories as a youngster wiling away hours upon hours, on my father’s Atari 512 STE, playing this 2D classic. Since then, simulation type games have become addictive to the masses, absorbing many hours that could have been dedicated to family, friends, or significant hobbies.

As encapsulating as these games are, A-Train HX is the first to grace the Xbox 360, eighteen months after the 360s release*. This game is the next incantation of the A-Train series (none of which I have played), involving the manipulation of railway services to build a prosperous city.

I say ‘a prosperous city’, which in A-Train correlates to ‘allow the AI to build it’ around your creation. By and large, the A-Train HX dynamics can and will confuse – even the most hardcore simulation game fan will become unstuck at some point. As the Fat Controller, you decide where the train stations and tracks go. You have ultimate control of which trains to put on the tracks – ranging from short freight to large 2000-seater fast trains, or tube trains permeating underneath the ground. In order for the AI to kick in, ‘materials’ need to be transported to stations via freight trains from either outside the cities of factories on your map. When the population starts to build, commuter trains help populate the area and more materials result in a larger set of flats or high rise buildings.

At least this is the gist of the game I get. Even after completing the game and writing a quick start guide for a popular achievement website, I couldn’t tell you much else. There is no tutorial regarding the gameplay, let alone the controls. Oh, the controls! As unintuitive as they are frustrating. Many, many times I hit the right button, but I wasn’t selecting the appropriate item to perform the function I intended – it’s not obvious just which item is selected.

Gameplay wise, there is no story mode often associated with modern simulation games. However, provided are eight default maps on an increasing scale of difficulty, ranging from flat plains to mountains and archipelago. Also provided are the tools to create your own maps, to distribute and challenge your friends. If they have the game, which they probably wont.

A-Train HX is easy on the eye, and on the ear. The only visual hiccup worth noting is the camera manipulation near the end of the map, but all the sounds aid the simulation experience.

Ages 3-15 are not recommended ages for this game. I’m not even sure 16+ is appropriate. In fact, I’d recommend it solely to those who either enjoy their trains, or their simulation games. Also for achievement hunters – a simple achievement set for those that can get to grips with the gameplay and controls. A-Train rewards completing certain tasks, but fifteen hours or less is all that is needed for the gamerscore.

I enjoyed A-Train HX, but I like simulation games. And achievements.


* In English in Europe – in Japan A-Train HX was released a year earlier, and at time of writing, has not been encouraged to approach US shores.

Friday, July 04, 2008

No gaming update

Yeha no gaming update last week, as I'm currently in flux as to where I'm living at the minute! I've moved to Oxford, but still need to get internet and phone set up and everything. While waiting I have been doing some gaming - mainly EDF2017 and NFS: Most Wanted, but they'll be in my next update. Hoping to get everything sorted in the next couple of weeks, so keep watching this space!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Madden 09 Achievements

Well, I've played my Maddens. 06, 07 and 08 are all complete, and to keep the streak going, the Madden 09 achievement list is now out, thanks to 360sync. It's a nice list, I hope to complete it soon!

Achievements Gamerscore